The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice.
— Peggy O'Mara —
Colorado Parent Coaching Services in collaboration with Aspenhill Psychotherapy provides counseling, education, and support to parents of children, teens and young adults who are struggling with social, emotional, and psychological challenges. Through years of providing direct services to our clients it has become clear, and proven out in evidence-based research, that outcomes for both clients, parents and immediate family members are greatly improved when all parties are actively involved in the therapeutic process. Our programming encompasses education, skill training, and supportive psychotherapy to facilitate communication among family members and to foster a better understanding of how parents and primary caregivers can support and promote their children’s journey towards health and personal growth.
A child’s struggle with mental health affects all those in their lives, especially their primary care givers. Research has shown that the most important factor in evoking and maintaining a child’s behavior is the parent-child relationship. Before parents can become effective agents of change, facilitating their children’s growth and movement towards health, they must first understand their own processes. That is, understanding how their thoughts, feelings, memories, urges, etc. influence their perceptions and behavior, and how these behaviors, while well-meaning, are often at odds with promoting, individuation, self-esteem, resiliency, and overall social-emotional well-being of their child and themselves. By participating in the therapeutic process, parents can more effectively contribute to successful outcomes for all family members.